呂寶靜*, 2015.11, 'Comparison of Two Service Models of Adult Day Care Center in Taiwan, ' The Gerontological Society of America 68th Conference, GSA.(*為通訊作者)
呂寶靜*, 2015.10, 'Housing Environment and Life Satisfaction of Older Adults: Analyzing the Importance of Meaning of Home, ' The 20th IAGG World Congress of Gerontology and Geriatrics: Asia/Oceania Conference, IAGG.(*為通訊作者)
呂寶靜*, 2014.06, 'Community Participation and Life Satisfaction in Old Age:, ' The 20th IAGG World Congress of Gerontology and Geriatrics: Digital Ageing: A New Horizon for Health Care and Active Ageing, IAGG.(*為通訊作者)
呂寶靜*, 2013.09, 'The Social Division of Care Work: Analyzing Taiwanese Attitudes toward Child Care and Elder Care, ' TSCS 2013 Symposium on Gender, Family and Sexuality, TSCS.(*為通訊作者)
呂寶靜*, 2012.11, 'Neighborhood Cohesion in Old Age: Does Competency in Social Skills Make a Difference?, ' The Gerontological Society of America: 65th Annual Scientific Meeting, GSA.(*為通訊作者)
呂寶靜, 2011.11, 'Leisure Activity Participation and Leisure Satisfaction among Older People: Does the Sociability of Participation Make a Difference?, ' The Gerontological Society of America: 64th Annual Scientific Meeting.
呂寶靜, 2009.07, 'The Attitudes toward Children’s Responsibility for Providing Financial Support to Parents in Taiwan: Do Gender and Marriage of Children Make the Difference, ' 19th IAGG World Congress of Gerontology and Geriatrics.(SSCI)
Pau-Ching Lu*, 2008.09, 'The Public Attitude towards Government Responsibility for Supporting Older Persons: A Case of Taiwan, ' 「Sustainable Futures in an Ageing World」 BSG Annual conference, British Society of Gerontology.(*為通訊作者) 參考連結
呂寶靜*, 2007.09, 'Social Support Among Elderly Persons Living Alone in Taiwan : Do Strong Ties Matter?, ' Public and private old-age security arrangements in Asia and Europe, NSC-IIAS conference.(無)(*為通訊作者) 參考連結
Pau-Ching, Lu, 2003, 'A comparison of sibling helping behavior in old age and adulthood-A case study of Taiwan, ' The International Conference on ''Intergenerational Relations in Familes'' Life Course'', 中央研究院社會學研究所. 參考連結
呂寶靜, 1995, 'The Activities and Service of Senior Centers in Taiwan: A Case Study, ' The Proceeding of Conference on Family Human Resources and Social Development. 參考連結
Tsung-hsi Fu;Pau-Ching Lu, 2009, 'Population ageing and social policy in Taiwan, ' Ageing in East Asia: Challenges and policies for the twentieth-first century, Routledge. 參考連結
Pau-Ching, Lu, 1999, 'Social Welfare Policy in Taiwan: Past, Present and Prospects, ' Transitional Societies in Comparison:East Central Europe vs. Taiwan, Peter Lang GmbH.